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Doublers and Inserts

Each brand tends to name its items a bit differently - what one company calls an 'insert' another will call it a 'soaker,' while some might call it a 'booster' others may call it a 'doubler.' In short, all of the items on this page are designed to do the same thing - add absorbency to your diapers. The difference comes in the materials, the dimensions and the thicknesses. 

Some brands will design inserts specifically for their own brand of covers (ie. GroVia, Bestbottoms and Softbums - all their inserts snap into their shells). The items featured on this page are more universal in design, which means they translate well when used in a variety of ways. 

One final note - this page is organized with 'Inserts' first, and 'Doublers' second. For our purposes, anything in the 'Insert' section is absorbent enough to be used as a diaper on its own. Anything in the 'Doubler' section is designed to help increase the absorbency of a diaper, and isn't substantial enough to be used on its own (unsure where to begin when shopping for doublers? take a look at the doubler sample packages).

AppleCheeks Bamboo and Stay-Dry Inserts

available in hemp and bamboo

Yes, Prefolds and Flats are both 'Inserts' as well, just with more specific names, and more economical price tags.


AppleCheeks Bamboo Booster

Bright Star Baby Snap-in Inserts and Doublers

Soft and Sweet Bottoms Bamboo Doubler

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