Welcome to Chelsea and Samuel's Registry!
Estimated Due Date: January 25, 2011
Gender: It's a GIRL!
Please shop Chelsea and Samuels's registry below. If an item comes up as 'out of stock' in your shopping cart, it means it already has been purchased. Also, please note at checkout whether you would like your gift shipped to you or directly to Chelsea. If unspecified, your package will be shipped to the address in Paypal. Thank you for shopping at Itsy Bitsy Bums! It is my pleasure to help celebrate this very special time!
Like a Peak at Chelsea and Samuel's Registry?
Thirsties Fab Wipes
One Stop Shop Accessories Package (broken into five shares)
Fuzzibunz Diaper Sprayer
Economy + Convenience Trial Package (broken into four shares)
Newborn Diaper Rental (broken into four shares)