I know there are many wonderings when it comes to what is true of cloth diapers, and what might be a myth perpetuated by previous generations. I know I even approached our switch to cloth diapers with the idea - 'ok, as long as they don't leak too badly I'm happy to switch.' Oh boy was I wrong! Cloth, when used properly, is the antithesis of leaks. No more blowouts! No more ruined outfits! When properly fit, and stuffed with the appropriate amount of absorbency, cloth diapers are far more effective than any disposable!
Cloth Diapers Stink
I invite anyone who believes cloth diapers smell to come to our house and take a nice deep whiff. Unlike disposable diaper pails designed to lock away diapers in the hopes of containing any stink, cloth diaper pails are often merely kitchen trash cans with a loose fitting lid, or no lid at all!
Most times the smell you think of when you imagine a stinky diaper pail is actually the smell of urine and feces reacting to the chemicals in disposable diapers. With cloth, bye-bye stinky. Not only do you not have to worry about those chemical-reactions, but you also don't have feces sitting in your diaper pail in the first place. Rather, you have disposed of poop into the toilet (where it belongs!).
Most times the smell you think of when you imagine a stinky diaper pail is actually the smell of urine and feces reacting to the chemicals in disposable diapers. With cloth, bye-bye stinky. Not only do you not have to worry about those chemical-reactions, but you also don't have feces sitting in your diaper pail in the first place. Rather, you have disposed of poop into the toilet (where it belongs!).
No more running a particularly stinky diaper pail out to the trash in the wee hours of the morning, nor in the rain nor sleet nor snow (you are not a postman, now are you?).
Cloth Diapers Leak
I will admit, this is one myth I believed hook, line and sinker before I switched to cloth diapers. However, I honestly assure that cloth diapers do not leak (baring user error, a poor fit or a massive poo-naumi)! No more ruined onesies nor wet sheets at 2am. I will even confess I rarely remember to pack back-up clothes in the diaper bag because I never have to change her outfit after an exploded diaper.
Cloth Diapers Are a Lot of Work
Cloth Diapers Are a Lot of Work
Cloth diaper laundry is unlike any other laundry you will do. It is already sorted and ready to be thrown in the washer. (In fact, I have even heard of some parents who do not use a diaper pail, and instead throw used diapers into the washer - once it gets full, they start their wash routine.) Once you finish cloth diaper laundry, you can either fold diapers or even just leave them in a basket and pull one out before each diaper change.
Cloth Diapers are Unsanitary and Require Bleaching
Cloth Diapers are Unsanitary and Require Bleaching
Unlike disposable diapers which put human waste in a landfill, cloth diaper users deposit any fecal matter into the toilet, where it is then properly treated. While some people choose to use bleach on their diapers, this is not the norm. Simply put, bleach is not necessary, and used too often can break down the fibers of your diapers, causing them to wear out faster. Barring an infection in baby's system (such as yeast), your diapers never need to be sanitized. Rather, simply following a good wash routine will leave your diapers thoroughly clean.
Only Hippies Use Cloth
The perception that cloth users are only tree huggers or those too poor to afford the 'convenience' of disposables is old-fashioned and untrue; especially as more and more people are becoming conscientious about the environment, the economy and the health of their little ones' bums. Be one of the cool kids and start cloth diapering at the cusp of the trend!
Full Time or No Time
I often hear people say they do not have the time to commit to full time cloth diapering. Fear not, part time cloth diapering is also a great option! Every cloth diaper you use is one less disposable diaper you use. Cloth diaper in the evenings and on the weekends and send disposable diapers to daycare. Or cloth diaper during the day and use disposable diapers at night. Or disposable diaper out of the house, and use cloth while at home. Choose what works best for you and your family!
Cloth Diapers Strain Resources
'I might be throwing a diaper away, but you are using precious water and energy resources to launder your diapers.'
The above is a common argument I hear from die-hard disposable diaper users. And it honestly baffles me. Disposable diapers require resources, too. Consider all of the wood pulp and petroleum that go into a disposable. Then consider the production required to turn those resources into a diaper. Then picture the diaper transported to your favorite big box retailer. Then picture yourself driving to said retailer at a regular interval to make your diaper purchase.... you get the gist.
Consider this comparison chart from our friends at AppleCheeks -

Cloth Diapers Strain Resources
'I might be throwing a diaper away, but you are using precious water and energy resources to launder your diapers.'
The above is a common argument I hear from die-hard disposable diaper users. And it honestly baffles me. Disposable diapers require resources, too. Consider all of the wood pulp and petroleum that go into a disposable. Then consider the production required to turn those resources into a diaper. Then picture the diaper transported to your favorite big box retailer. Then picture yourself driving to said retailer at a regular interval to make your diaper purchase.... you get the gist.
Consider this comparison chart from our friends at AppleCheeks -