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Eco Nuts FAQs 1 - General Introduction

What are Soap Nuts? 
Eco Nuts are one particular brand of Soap Nuts. Soap Nuts are completely sustainable dried fruit shells that come from the Sapindus mukorossi tree (also called the 'Soap Berry' or 'Soap Nut Tree') in Nepel, India and Indonesia. The berries they Eco Nuts harvests come from high up in the Himalayas, and are the highest quality 'soap nut' on the market. 

These fruit shells have been used in China and India for centuries, and are now gaining popularity in America and Europe as a renewable, biodegradable and organic alternative to chemical detergents and expensive laundry soaps. 

Eco Nuts contain saponin, a natural cleaner that works as surfactant, breaking the surface tension of the water to penetrate the fibers of your clothing, lifting stains from the fabric and leaving dirt suspended in the water which is then rinsed away. 

Eco Nuts are gentle on both clothes and skin, making them an ideal laundry choice for those with sensitive skin, eczema, allergies and psoriasis. Because they are so mild, they are perfect for baby clothes and cloth diapers. All-Natural Eco Nuts are also great for septic and grey water systems. But don't expect these shells to foam up like commercial soaps, which have artificial foaming agents. In short, foam does not represent cleaning power. 

Eco Nuts are 'wild-harvested,' meaning they are gathered from wild trees grown without any kind of fertilizers, chemicals or pesticides. The saponin actually tastes bad to insects, so no pesticides are even needed, and the trees naturally love poor uncultivated soil. They are organically grown by mother earth, and are certified USDA Organic by EcoCert at the source. 

See them in Action!

Nut Allergy Safe!
Eco Nuts are actually a berry fruit, related to the lychee, and are not nuts at all. They are completely nut-allergy safe and have been used successfully with no reaction by people with nut allergies. They earned the name 'nuts' because they dry in hard shells like nuts, instead of squishy fruit. 

While Eco Nuts has been a terrific solution for many customers with skin allergies and other conditions, people who have many allergies or compromised autoimmune systems should always take proper precautions, first washing one small item in a small container or sink OR do a patch test before washing an entire load in the washing machine. 

Not Just Your Everyday Soap Nut!
Eco Nuts have become a widely recognized brand name - don't settle for generic soap nuts! Eco Nuts are higher in quality and cleaning power - not only thanks to their proprietary sorting and handling process but also because of their standards of only using a particular variety and size of nut. They have found this quality control translates into more re-uses than many other generic soap nuts. Their proprietary sorting process also ensures consistency in shape and texture that makes Eco Nuts pleasant and easy to use. Because they lovingly and carefully hand-package in the USA, they can also eliminate individual plastic wrapping otherwise required by customs. 

In addition, many regular soap nuts are harvested, sorted and prepared in the outdoors, and dried on a rooftop. This exposes them to the elements as well as birds or animals. Eco Nuts takes great care to ensure their soap nuts are prepared and stored indoors in a clean facility where they are safe from birds and rats, and their soap nuts are carefully sorted before packing to ensure they are free of any contaminants. If you ever find that your package of Eco Nuts is unsatisfactory we will gladly refund your money or send you a new one!

Check Out the Difference
The towels on the right have been washed for several loads with All Free & Clear, while the towels on the left were washed for several loads with Eco Nuts. 

The Eco Nuts are noticeably fluffier (and MUCH softer) because of Eco Nuts ability to gently loosen fibers. Chemical detergents can beat and weaken fibers resulting in your clothes wearing out much sooner. Try Eco Nuts and you'll notice less pilling on your fabrics, and extended overall life of textiles. 

Abby adds - I felt these towels at ABC. There was a marked difference between the stacks. Both towel samples were washed and dried in an identical fashion - the only difference being the detergent in which they were washed. And the Eco Nuts stack was sooooo much softer! And so much fluffier! 

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