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Price $39.99

Product Details
  • Tired of relying on disposable menstrual products? Menstrual cups are an easy alternative to tampons! 
  • Abby adds - I'll admit, I was quite hesitant to buy my cup. I was so nervous that I wouldn't like it, and would have just spent a lot of money on something that would sit unused in my medicine cabinet. But now I cannot imagine going back! I think my favorite part about the cup is that it is always there. No longer do I need to worry that my purse isn't adequately stocked or I need to ration out products to last until the next morning. I forgot to take my cup on vacation this year, and oh man was it frustrating to have to rely on whatever was available at the corner drugstore. Give yourself a cycle or two to get used to using the cup. It took me three cycles to get into the exact swing of things. But now I cannot imagine using anything else!! 

coming soon!

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