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It's A Green, Green Life

For The Green-Living Family

CJ's All-Purpose Cleaner
So many divine scents to choose from! 

Planet Wise Food Bags
Love these bags! Carrots, apple wedges, snap-peas, crackers - our bags have carried them all, and more.

Flat Diapers & Wet Bag
Why use paper towels when flats are so much thirstier, and such a better decision for the planet. Just hang the wet bag in your kitchen, and fill it up with the used 'towels' through the week. Wash, and voila, another week's worth of towels! 

Know exactly what you are putting on your body. Made by an amazing couple in Canada. 

From natural bug spray to deodorant to lotions and washes, CJ's has you covered top to toe. 

Rockin' Green Room Spray
Why fill your home with synthetic fragrances? These sprays neutralize odors, a

Rockin' Green Dog House
Washing your canine friend's toys and bedding in this safe and natural detergent.

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