Itsy Bitsy Bums has a new home!

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Alison & Ben

Welcome to Alison & Ben's Registry! 

Estimated Due Date: September 30, 2011

Please shop Alison and Ben's registry below. 

Two shopping tips - 
If an item comes up as 'out of stock' in your shopping cart, the quantity desired already has been purchased. 

The number in parenthesis next to the item indicates the desired quantity. Feel free to purchase as few or any as you'd like. Quantities can be adjusted once the individual item has been added to your shopping cart. 

Thank you for shopping at Itsy Bitsy Bums! It is an honor to help celebrate this exciting time!

Under $20

$20 to $30

Like at Peak at their Registry Items? 
Snappi Diaper Closures

Tiny Tush Disposable Liners

Thirsties Hemp Doublers
Wahmies Wet Bags in Midnight Swirl

Bottombumpers Wipes

Thirsties Duo Wraps

Thirsties Duo Fab Fitteds

Wahmies Pail Liners

Fuzzibunz Wonder Wipes
OsoCozy Prefolds

bumGenius Elemental All-in-Ones

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